
What is Raw Milk?

What is Raw Milk?

Adapted from an article posted on Golden Rule Dairy

What is real, raw milk?

Creamy, real, raw milk comes from pastured cows and contains all the good fats. It has not been through any kind of processing – it is in its raw state, unpasteurized and unhomogenized.

For years people drank raw, fresh milk from their family cow every day. Its amazing the amount of benefits that are contained in raw, unpasteurized milk. The milk we buy from our local stores today has been pasteurized, ultra pasteurized, and/ or homogenized. This is not real “milk” in a biological sense, but a chemically altered substance. It is heated to remove pathogens and bacteria and to make it last longer on the shelf. The naturally occurring beneficial bacteria has been destroyed as well.  More specifically, the following chart shows the differences in what healthy benefits are available in various kinds of milk.

Source: Organic Pastures Milk Comparison Table

The truth is, the raw milk from a commercially raised cow is very dangerous. These animals are being fed diets of high-protien soy, GMO corn, and are given shots of BGH (bovine growth hormone) to increase milk production. The cows are kept from getting sick by continually taking antibiotics. Drinking raw milk from these cows would be like drinking sickness itself.

Raw milk from a healthy, naturally raised cow is a total different story. These cows are raised in a fresh, clean environment and are only fed that which is healthy to the cow and the milk consumers. The cows are milked under sanitary conditions and the milk is chilled down immediately. It is then given to the customer in its natural state!

Some Simple RAW Milk Facts

  • Raw cow’s milk has all 8 essential amino acids. Our bodies use amino acids as building blocks for protein.
  • Carbohydrates: Lactose, or milk sugar, is the primary carbohydrate in cow’s milk.
  • Raw milk contains bacterially-produced lactase, lipases and phosphatases which help break down starch, lactose (milk sugar), fat and phosphate compounds making milk more digestible and freeing up key minerals. Since raw milk has its lactose-digesting Lactobacilli bacteria intact, it may allow people who normally had a reaction to milk to be able to digest it without bad effects.
  •  Fats: About two thirds of the fat in milk is saturated. Saturated fats are actually very good for us as they help to protect against the damaging effects of polyunsaturated vegetable oils and trans-fats.
  • Vitamins & Minerals: Raw milk contains a store house of water and fat soluble vitamins and trace minerals like calcium and phosphorus, as well as others.
  • Enzymes and beneficial bacterial: Raw milk is loaded with good living enzymes and bacteria that help aid in digestion and assimilating vitamins, fats, sugars, proteins and minerals. They also protect your body from the bad bacteria.

So, let’s DRINK RAW MILK!!

For more info on this good product,
visit www.realmilk.com.

